Laundle's Laundry Detergent Sheets ingredients

Laundle's Laundry Detergent Sheets ingredients

Why sheets? Why not water or powder?

Liquid and powder detergents aren't suitable for low flow, low temperature modern washing machines. 
Powder takes too hard to dissolve. Not compatible with modern low flow, low temperature machines.
Water requires preservatives and plastic packaging creating a diluted, toxic clean. 

Sheets are the perfect solution as they support fast acting, hyper concentrated cleaning power without the need for plastic packaging. 

Ingredients breakdown

Whilst it may seem like bubbles do all the work there are a few things that go into a great clean. 

Having only cleaning agents might seems like a good idea but normal tap water is often not the best environment to clean clothes as it has minerals that reduce the effectiveness of the cleaning agents. This means the water needs to be "softened" which involves negating or removing the minerals and rogue particulates in the water.

Many companies use harsh phosphates to achieve this. The advantage of phosphates is they are a cheap and powerful solution. The downside is they can damage clothes and pollute waterways. 

We found a better solution in deionised water. 

Deionised means the minerals have been removed to leave only “pure water”. The water then attracts and captures the rogue minerals and particulates so they can be safely rinsed away. This means no scratchy clothes and less limescale build up.

 The second necessary helper ingredient is a solvent which will help break down larger stains and spread the active cleaning agents.

 The main cleaning agents in laundry detergents are known as surfactants. They attach to stains and lift them off fabrics. We use different types of surfactant to target different types of stains: Anionic & Non Ionic.

  • Anionic Surfactant: Removes oily stains like grease and pollution.
  • Non Ionic Surfactant: Removes particulate stains like dust and dirt.

One of the main things to know about surfactants is they need to be fat or oil based. This is what makes them more effective than just washing with water. 

 There are many different ways to make surfactants. Supermarkets detergents have mainly used petrol by products supplied by Shell but are now starting to make the move to 'greener' products like palm oil. 

We decided to use coconuts as the base for our surfactants and solvent. There are two main reasons for this. 

The first is sustainability. Coconut trees thrive in diverse climates, requiring minimal resources such as water and pesticides making them a naturally sustainable solution. 

Laundle Coconut laundry detergent benefits

The second is utility. The natural fatty acids in coconut oil act as a potent cleaning agent, effectively removing stains and odours from your clothes.

What sets this detergent apart is its gentle touch – free from harsh chemicals, it ensures your clothes retain their vibrancy and softness without causing irritation to your skin.

Below is a list to put it all together.  

  • Solvent Enzyme: Forms the base of the sheet. Targets larger stains and helps disperse surfactants.
  • Anionic Surfactant: Removes oily stains like grease and pollution.
  • Non Ionic Surfactant: Removes particulate stains like dust and dirt.
  • Deionised Water: Traps loose particulates until rinse cycle. This means no residue or limescale.  

Why choose Laundle over other sheets?

There are a few companies offering laundry detergent sheets so why choose Laundle? 

Simple, not all sheets are created equal.  We didn't invent laundry detergent sheets or using natural ingredients but we did make two key advances.

Like most sheets we use naturally derived ingredients with no plastic packaging. 

We also use biodegradable packaging and solvent to ensure our sheets or suitable for both hand and machine washing.  

What sets us apart is we don't use filler ingredients like starch and deionised water.

Why no starch? 

Starch can be a useful tool but it doesn't belong in every wash. Sports clothes and most leisure wear is designed to flex and flow rather than being stiff and scratchy. We prefer cleaning agents that maintain the integrity of garments rather than trying to change them. 

Why deionised water?

Most companies use untreated water in their sheets. This means they need to use harsh chemicals like phosphates to soften the water. 

We use deionised water. Deionised, means the minerals has been removed to leave only “pure water” which captures rogue minerals and particulates. Deionised also means less limescale and build up on your machine improving longevity and energy efficiency.


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